Dating Tips from Lisa Clampitt Matchmaking2019-05-08T13:04:38-04:00

Phone Etiquette Ruining Your Date? Fix It Fast

Back in the day (and that “day” not being that long ago) you went on a date sans technology - well, current 24/7 technology, at least… You met at a bar or through friends; perhaps it was a blind date or you had been friends for awhile. One of you called the restaurant from a wired, landline phone to [...]

Why You Need A Matchmaker If You’re Dating in New York City

“Lisa, do I really need a matchmaker?” No, you don’t. But you most definitely need a plan. Think about it like this… You walk into the gym. You’ve made the committment to workout, get in shape and feel better in your body and with your mind. There you are at Equinox, the smell of the eucalyptus towels wafting through [...]

The 2 Questions to Ask Before Your Next Date

We are all judgemental in some way. It’s just human nature. We are constantly bombarded with sound bites, images, and snippets of conversation, etc. that it almost forces our brain to make real-time, quick decisions or form an opinion as fast as we can. But when it comes to dating, sometimes we have to leave the judgments at home. [...]

5 Definite Dating Don’ts

Every so often, we like to compile a list of latest Dating Don’ts we want you to know about. Here is the latest top five… Don’t Go On A Vacation After Day One - just don’t. Go for a hike, go to the movies, catch a play, find a hidden bar but keep it in the 5 boroughs. [...]

The Why and How To Not Oversharing on The First Date

Dating is a game of conceal and reveal. Think about it as a sport for just a second. You need both offense and defense to win a basketball championship, right? In the game of dating, your conceal game has to be as on point as your reveal. The problem is, we find many people coming into our office who [...]

The Link Between Spirituality and Successful Dating

I’m not necessarily a spiritual person. So, you may see the title of this and wonder how I am about to make this connection? Spirituality is defined as, “the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.” I am going to make the connection between being concerned with the human [...]

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