CEO & Founder

Investing in People…

That’s what makes a successful matchmaker.

For me, this investment started early on. As a child, I listened to stories about my rockstar dad working alongside Sergeant Shriver to help create the Peace Corp and his work with Bobby Kennedy on the War on Poverty.

That same humanitarian spirit was instilled in me.

After spending many years as a social worker, I noticed a common thread. There is nothing more powerful than helping people find love. For me, if you have love, you have everything. But finding love can be a struggle – so much so that we put it off until it feels too late.

It became my mission to help people create long-term compatibility by fostering real connections. And when creating that connection, time is our most precious commodity. And the more you have to offer, the more difficult it is to meet that special someone.

That’s why I bring my social work skills to the table so I can honestly listen to you – truly understanding your relationship goals, values, and personality – and match you with someone of equal quality and style.

In short, we’ll discover the love of your life in less time and with way less struggle.

My Own Match

After approaching my now husband in a coffee shop in 2003, he proposed to me twenty minutes later (for real). We were married within two months in Las Vegas (by Elvis) and have been in a thriving marriage ever since. We have two amazing adopted boys and three (yes, three) rescue dogs.

Now I’m not saying you have to get married in Vegas tomorrow (but I will totally support you if you do). I am saying love is yours for the taking when you get real about what you want.

And that’s exactly what I do – I help extraordinary men meet incredible women every single day.

My Approach

You may think you can’t find love, past experiences have left you jaded and hopeless, or you simply don’t have time to find the love you truly want, but I bet (and I mean, I really would bet serious money) that you have been going about this dating thing all wrong.

By combining my profound insight on the psychology of relationships combined with my own theory on the ethics of matchmaking, you’ll realize it’s about more than attraction and chemistry, it’s about something much more lasting. And that’s exactly what I help you find, no matter what you’ve experienced before.

It’s the kind of attention you simply won’t find anywhere else…

As a born and bred New Yorker, I understand balancing a successful career while trying to navigate relationships. I understand that just because you’ve achieved career goals and financial success doesn’t guarantee love simply falling into your lap. I’m all about finding you a real, meaningful partner.

Whatever your dreams, whatever your expectations, I make it happen. I bring empathy to the struggle and the ability to recognize what people are looking for without judgment, but with grace, humor, and a kick ass, never stop work ethic to create lasting relationships.

So if you’re ready for love, I’m pretty stoked to know you.

My Qualifcations

MSW University of Michigan
BA New York University

Founder & President of The Matchmaking Institute
the only matchmaking school in the world
authorized to issue matchmaking certification

Resident relationship expert at The Core Club.
Manhattan’s members only club
contributing to one-of-a-kind cultural events

Read Me

Make Me a Match: The 21st Century Guide to Finding and Using a Matchmaker
Matchmaking From Fun to Profit: A Complete Guide to Turning Your Matchmaking Skills into a New Business.
Matchmaking Business in a Box: The Complete Bundle for Professionals

Patti Knows
insights on love, sex, and answering
your questions about not so easy topics
on The Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger’s blog.

Huffington Post
8 Tips From Matchmakers For People Who Are Done With Tinder