“Lisa, do I really need a matchmaker?”
No, you don’t. But you most definitely need a plan.
Think about it like this…
You walk into the gym. You’ve made the committment to workout, get in shape and feel better in your body and with your mind.
There you are at Equinox, the smell of the eucalyptus towels wafting through the air, over to the weight room you go only to find you have zero clue what to do.
Maybe you’ve done some research on fitness or you were taking classes on the regular in the past – but right now, at this moment, you don’t know the best path. You don’t just hang out at the gym, right? (The answer is “right”)
Because you aren’t interested in wasting time. You want to create the plan, implement the steps, and reap the benefits.
This also applies to dating. Without the plan, you are lost in a sea of possibilities unsure of what you truly need to be successful and happy.
Don’t Hope For The Best

What happens is people continue to spend money on dating apps or go at it alone only to feel more discouraged and hoping their soulmate will somehow appear at a bar in TriBeCa or that the “swipe right” will finally pay off.
A matchmaker helps you focus on what you need, not what’s working for someone else, or what a friend said at dinner – but what you need in order to find a healthy, lasting relationship.
One of the problems with online dating is it makes it easy to not settle down because the options are endless.
What also happens is because they are endless options, you decide subconsciously that your time will come when it’s meant to happen. You hope for the best and keep going.
But you can’t hope for the best, you have to actively prepare for the best.
Follow-Through, Follow-Up

The biggest reason you should enlist some help? For your follow-through. When you pay for a personal trainer to help you figure it out at the gym – you show up. When you sign up for SoulCycle, you don’t miss it.
When you purchase that ticket for the golf trip, you don’t skip out. Investing in yourself is one of the best things to do to make sure you show up.
We have seen many people who come into our office who have been dragging their feet for too long. They give themselves two days a month of availability, texting back and forth until a date is finally decided, and once they do go out on a date don’t follow-up after that first date.
We make sure you do. You can’t get a second date without momentum and we literally create it, we keep it going for you so all you have to do is show up.
If you are psyched to go out with someone, we will make it happen.
Matchmakers make sure you plan another date, that you put yourself out there and assess each time. You aren’t just doing push-ups every day for a month only to find your form is a nightmare.
We assess your strengths and weaknesses along the way ensuring that you are not only actively seeking the love of your life but growing in the process (which will only make you a better partner in the long run.)
This means it’s basically the smartest investment you could make for yourself because you are looking for a life partner.
Your Dream Team

When it comes to finding the right team to work with, it’s important to focus not just on finding the hottest girl or sexiest guy out there but someone who is actually right for you.
(Read that sentence again 😉 )
You may think you can’t find love, past experiences have left you jaded and hopeless, or you simply don’t have time to find the love you truly want, but I bet (and I mean, I really would bet serious money) that you have been going about this dating thing all wrong.
By combining profound insight on the psychology of relationships combined with my own theory on the ethics of matchmaking, you’ll realize it’s about more than attraction and chemistry, it’s about something much more lasting. And that’s exactly what my team and I help you find, no matter what you’ve experienced before.
Plus, as a born and bred New Yorker, I understand balancing a successful career while trying to navigate relationships. I understand that just because you’ve achieved career goals and financial success doesn’t guarantee love simply falling into your lap. I’m all about finding you a real, meaningful partner.
Whatever your dreams, whatever your expectations, we make it happen.
You know what else I think is so great about us? We bring empathy to the struggle and the ability to recognize what people are looking for without judgment, but with grace, humor, and a kick-ass, never stop work ethic to create lasting relationships.
So, like I said, you don’t need a matchmaker but why would you risk it?
You can learn more how we work by checking out some of most frequently asked questions. Lots of great information in there. Then contact us here and we’ll personally set-up a time to chat with you about how we can best help you.
Whether you work with us or not, you’ll walk away with some keen insights and best next steps for your dating life.