Let’s say this right from the get go…

It’s ok to not be the girl with the baseball cap and jersey showing up at Yankee Stadium knowing Derek Jeter’s middle name, batting average, and ready to kick the crap out of a Red Sox fan.

Feel better? (Me, too.)

Because that ain’t me. And that ain’t a lot of us. As women, I think we tend to feel like we have to always play the “cool girl” in any situation. I say, be yourself, for real.

If you are the sporty girl who knows all – own it. And don’t be afraid to cheer, drop those averages and call B.S. when the ref calls foul. Because no matter who you are, a sporting event can be one of the best ways to show off your personality and get to know your date.

So how can you rock your next March Madness date?

My team and I have you covered…

#1 Be Fun and Festive

This one comes from Ashley, our Director of Recruiting, and the biggest Mets fan in New York City. Ok – not true – she’s tied with her boyfriend, but you get the picture. They have season tickets and have contemplated naming their dog Bartolo. In short, they mean serious baseball business. Ashley recalls one of her first times going to a game with her boyfriend…

“I was ready to have fun! And that’s the advice I’d tell any girl!” Ashley says. “Throw on a great pair of jeans, a sporty t-shirt. Got a fun hat? Go for it! Wear a great pair of boots or wedge sneakers and just be chill.” Most importantly, Ashley says that the game is not the place for your stilettos and mini skirt.

“Yes, you want to be beautiful and have great style,” Ashley says. “But I set up dates every day where a guy is also wanting his potential girlfriend to be ready for a laid back, more chill time, as well.”

#2 Hashtag No Hashtags

This one comes from Rachel – our Director of Matchmaking. She stresses the importance of using this new activity to really get to know your date. Chances are, your date has brought you to a game – to see a team – he really enjoys! So this is a great time to ask questions about him. Has he always been a basketball fan? Are the Knicks his team or has he adopted them because he lives in New York?

“Not every date is going to be a Michelin star dinner,” Rachel says. “And a basketball game can be a great way to get to know your date in a more relaxed setting.”

That’s why it’s important to not be spending every time-out taking a selfie and searching for the best trending hashtag.

“Keep the selfies and the Instagram to a minimum,” Rachel says. “Guys want to see that you are interested. Even if you don’t know exactly what’s going on in the game. That’s ok! Don’t be afraid to ask about a certain player or what that call meant. It’s a great way to facilitate chemistry!”

#3 Leave Your Diet at Home

Our writer, Marisa, describes this as her must have tip for that March Madness date. Go ahead and get a hot dog, have a nacho, or a handful of Cracker Jacks.

“Don’t be the girl eating a salad with dressing you brought in your bag,” Marisa says after seeing this, firsthand, at a Mets game last April. “Now I’m not saying you have to blow your whole get-summer-ready plan in one night. And if you don’t drink – that’s honestly ok. I’m just saying it’s not the place to be eating sushi and flan, ya know?”

A sporting event can be one of the best places to have a conversation, show your personality and relax because chances are, it’s never going to be as loud or feel as claustrophobic as Happy Hour drinks or dinner out in the West Village might feel. In short, this makes one of the best spots for a date!

Ready to try out our tips for your next date? Check out our female membership and see how we can help you find your perfect match to cheer alongside all spring long. Who knows, March Madness may soon become “summer lovin”.