Every so often, we like to compile a list of latest Dating Don’ts we want you to know about. Here is the latest top five…

  • Don’t Go On A Vacation After Day One – just don’t. Go for a hike, go to the movies, catch a play, find a hidden bar but keep it in the 5 boroughs.

  • Emotional Boundaries – when you start off in a relationship, it’s easy to lose yourself. Be sure to take time for your goals and desires. Also, be sure – if you are entering into a relationship – to make time for the other person, as well. Make sure you each are aware of how often you want to see each other and stay communicative!

  • Wait on the R-Rated Joke – a date may not get your sense of humor right away. You don’t want to come across as offensive or “creepy” if someone doesn’t know you that well. In short, keep it PG and put on your polite pants.

  • Don’t Tell Someone You Don’t Have Time for a Relationship – see #2 above. If you don’t have time, don’t go on a date with someone. Figure yourself and your schedule out, then pursue the possibilities.

  • No Marathon First Dates – keep it to dinner and drinks. That’s it. Leave them wanting more. If this person is right for you, there will be plenty of time for 72-hour dates.

Have a dating question? Want to make sure it’s not a don’t? Pop it in the comments and we’ll answer it for you.