
About Lisa Clampitt

That’s what makes a successful matchmaker. For me, this investment started early on. As a child, I listened to stories about my rockstar dad working alongside Sergeant Shriver to help create the Peace Corp and his work with Bobby Kennedy on the War on Poverty.

The Why and How To Not Oversharing on The First Date

Dating is a game of conceal and reveal. Think about it as a sport for just a second. You need both offense and defense to win a basketball championship, right? In the game of dating, your conceal game has to be as on point as your reveal. The problem is, we find many people [...]

By |2018-06-21T17:00:04-04:00May 22nd, 2018|

The Link Between Spirituality and Successful Dating

I’m not necessarily a spiritual person. So, you may see the title of this and wonder how I am about to make this connection? Spirituality is defined as, “the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.” I am going to make the connection between [...]

By |2018-07-27T17:56:23-04:00May 8th, 2018|

Spring Clean Your Love Life in 3 Steps

Back in January, we gave you the 3 ways to find and keep love this year. This game plan was designed to keep you motivated, focused, and on track. We received an overwhelming amount of responses about how this plan was really helping people. That’s a total #winning for us because helping make your [...]

By |2018-03-05T12:26:26-05:00April 3rd, 2018|

2 Tips for a Sizzling Spring Romance

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” This is one of my favorite sayings. Last year, we rocked spring around here for our clients, fans, and followers. We created some must-read tips and strategies after the long hibernation that was winter. These same tips and strategies can be a game changer for you this [...]

By |2018-03-05T11:51:25-05:00March 20th, 2018|

How To Handle Ghosting In Your Dating Life

It turns out ghosting is not just for Halloween. We’ve seen a lot of ghosts in our time, especially when it comes to dating. Have you ever been on a date with someone and then you never hear from them again? You’ve been ghosted. Or maybe you’ve been the one to suddenly stop communication with [...]

By |2018-01-04T21:32:05-05:00February 20th, 2018|

3 Ways to Create A Better Valentine’s Day

Did you know that Valentine’s greetings have been popular since The Middle Ages? (Talk about a strong PR team.) In fact, the oldest documented Valentine was written by Charles, Duke of Orleans in 1415 to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London. That’s some serious commitment to love. How can we [...]

By |2018-02-06T15:28:11-05:00February 6th, 2018|

How to Know If Your Childhood Is Messing with Your Love Life

Your roots. Your family background. How you were raised. Your family history plays a unique role in how you will approach romantic relationships. Thing is when this is discussed it’s usually in reference to the not so positive things you’ve experienced or witnessed. For example, that bitter divorce you witnessed your parents go through. Your [...]

By |2018-01-04T21:10:51-05:00January 23rd, 2018|

Find and Keep Love This Year With These 3 Steps

The New Year clean slate. You know about it. You do it every year. January rolls around and you’ve shed the chrysalis of last year and are ready to fly. But then by February (ok, let’s be real - January 17th), you are back to the habits you wanted to change and your daily Starbucks [...]

By |2018-01-04T20:51:18-05:00January 9th, 2018|